About Us

About Us


Theratome Bio, Inc. (Theratome) is a regenerative medicine company that combines its technology with artificial intelligence. This marriage of technologies should lead to better diagnoses and clinical outcomes, which defines our mission.

For example, it is known that 40% of all patients with dry eye symptoms are misdiagnosed as dry eye disease. With the use of artificial intelligence, Theratome management believes that we can eliminate the majority of incorrect diagnoses and only treat those patients that respond to dry eye disease therapies. This digital companion could allow patients to determine the need for treatment, which may lead to a device that can be used in a home setting.

Furthermore, our dry eye disease product is a second-generation secretome.The angiogenic and neurogenic properties are selectively removed/diminished from our secretome base product while maximizing anti-inflammatory factors.

For organ transplants, there is a shortfall of available organs. Every day, patients die waiting for a donor organ. One of the greatest limitations is the shelf life of these organs. For example, hearts have a four- hour window using conventional transplantation shipping regimens to get from the donor to the patient. Donated hearts are generally unsuitable for transplantation after this very short expiration period. In the United States, approximately 40% of donated hearts cannot be used for transplantation, in large part due to the short shelf life of the organ.

With our proprietary secretome formulation designed for organ transplantation (a device), we have shown in preclinical heart models (humans and other animals) that the shelf life can be doubled from four to eight hours. With the use of artificial intelligence, the number of available hearts could more than double because only brain-dead hearts are currently used for transplantation while circulatory- dead hearts are deemed unsuitable in the United States.

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